Sunday, March 18, 2007

Airplane Etiquette (2)

"Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter which fork you use". Emily Post

I got back with few more thoughts on good manners during a flight. Read and obey. It's easy and soooo necessary.

In Flight

-Don't be a bore. There is nothing worse than being held captive by a talkative seat mate. Don't force your conversation on the person next to you.

-If someone is driving you crazy with their (dull) life story -- it is permissible to tell them you're too busy, tired, sick or whatever to talk. But don't be rude. Some people are nervous fliers and talk compulsively.

-Don't grab the seat in front of you when you are getting up -- it is very disruptive to the person sitting there. Use your arm rests to get up.

-Don't kick the seat in front of you.

-Don't shout into the air phone.

-Don't stand in front of the in-flight movie. You may not like the feature, but don't spoil it for everyone.

-Don't hold business meetings in the aisle (***please read: Don't show your Armani and Dolce Gabana stuff you just bought). It is very annoying to fellow passengers. Also, you never know when a competitor is listening.

-Don't clog up the aisles while the flight attendants are using the food and beverage carts. Let them do their jobs.

-Be careful with food trays and hot liquids. Take care when you open the plastic salad dressing, condiment and beverage containers. They spatter easily.

-If you do spill something on someone; apologize and offer to pay for dry cleaning.

-The bathroom is not a make-up table or dressing room. Be quick and clean up after yourself.

-Alcohol's impact is magnified at high altitudes(***please read "Prietenii stiu de ce"). Don't get drunk.

-This is not your office -- don't spread out your work papers everywhere. Be neat.

-Don't try to read your seat mates work documents or laptop screen. It is really obnoxious.

-Don't sleep on your seat mate’s shoulder, unless they want you to(*** please read "unless she likes you"). This is not your bedroom -- be considerate of your fellow passengers. Your sex life may be interesting to you, but unless you are Gwenyth Paltrow or Brad Pitt, your seat mates don't want to listen to it or watch it.

So, as you can see there are some rules at the higher altitude. They exist even some don't know about. Get ready to clap, I'm planning to land! ;)


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