Alaska=My Next Destination...
"In terms of wilderness preservation, Alaska is the last frontier. Not in our generation, nor ever again, will we have a land and wildlife opportunity approaching the scope and importance of this one."- Morris Udall, U.S. Representative.
I am going to Alaska.Maybe forever.Maybe not.In fact, who cares? On June 4th I'll take off from Bucharest to live probably one of the longest days of my life.Why? There will be over 22 hrs of flying. Then, there, in Alaska, in Anchorage were I'll actually be staying for the next period of time,there will be no sunset,no sunrise.There will be sunshine 24/24 and I'll enjoy every bit of it.
The word “Alaska” is derived from the Aleut word “Alyeska” meaning "Great Land". It is the 49th state of the USA and it was purchased on October 18, 1867 from the Russians.Alaska is home to North America's biggest oil field.Also it is the home of the tallest mountain in North America, has over 800 active volcanoes...
More to come. I'm not gonna tell You now why I am going there.
No fear. Don't care. Push life to the limits of the last frontier...
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