Monday, September 29, 2008

The World Traveller

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page..." St. Augustine

I am back.No, not back to Romania,yet.Back on line.Since a wrote my last post I covered probably 3.000 miles.

OK, after I left Jr's Mansion in Dallas I went to Fort Smith,Arkansas where had a wonderful time. Then flue to Tennessee where spent few days.From Tennessee went to Lexington, Kentucky.From Kentucky went to Cleveland,Ohio.Then, Baltimore, State of Maryland.Later I went to Washington DC where spent about 1 week.Then went to Atlanta, Georgia.On the way there, I stopped by Fayeteville, North Carolina.

Now, I am Atlanta,Georgia.Will have few business meetings, will visit few friends and in 1 week will leave the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free.

Yes, on October 7Th I'll leave the USA.

During this trip I visited 10 states of the USA and have a ton of exciting experiences.Made new friends and visited friends I already had.

In one day, in the day when I'll settle down...IF this will ever happen....I may write a book with all the places I have seen, people I met and all my experiences.Or maybe not.Often I think that people are more curious about our experiences then about ourselves.So...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Concurs Travela

Mi-a placut concursul organizat de agentia de turism Travela Scrii cele mai interesante sfaturi despre calatoriile in destinatiile oferite de Travela si poti castiga o excursie de doua persoane la un hotel de patru stele, de la Sunny Beach. Concursul s-a incheiat.Mai multe puteti citi pe saitul lor.Mai jos gasiti sfaturile mele.

Pana acum am vizitat multe state din SUA si 14 tari din Europa.Asa ca mai jos va scriu cele 3 sugestii ale mele pentru calatorii eficiente si deshtepte in Europa si chiar in SUA:

-Daca va place sa calatoriti cu avionul, e bine sa va inscrieti inainte sa cumparati bilete de avion la programe de fidelitate ale companiilor aeriene cu care calatoriti.Astfel, pentru fiecare kilomentru/mila veti primi gratuit mile de fidelitate.Asa ca un numar de km acumulati...puteti pleca in vacanta gratuit! Intrebati Agentul vostru de turism despre "Air Miles Reward Program"

-O cale de a calatori ieftin si interesant prin Europa este si cu trenul.Cu EuroTrain puteti cumpara abonament de calatorii pentru a vizita 6 tari din Europa, 3-5 tari, 2 tari Europene, 1 tara sau o regiune.Deasemenea puteti cumpara abonement pentru turul Britaniei sau al Europei,puteti vizita zone specifice din Europa sau puteti cumpara un packet ce imbina trenul cu cateva zile de inchiriat masina.

Depinde de timpul si scopul calatoriei Dvs dar calatoriile si abonamentele cu sunt foarte convenabile!Vedeti mai multe cu mai putini bani si efort si...calatoriti ecologic:)

-Ca optiune de cazare tinerilor necasatoriti si iubitori de aventura le recomand youth hostelurile sau bed&breakfast-urile.Sunt cele mai ieftine optiuni de cazare.Unele sunt mai decente decat altele dar scopul principal este networking-ul cu diversi oameni din diferite tari si culturi.In youth hostelur-i sunt mult mai putzine fitze decat in hoteluri :)

Calatorie placuta si ...ramaneti cu ochii pe mine :)

ps.In curand revin in Romania

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I have not met JR Ewing today

"Always keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!" JR Ewing

Howdy partner! Do you remember the show "Dallas" with JR and his oil business? You must be pretty old to remember that:)

Dallas was a highly popular, long-running American prime-time television soap opera that originally ran from 1978 to 1991. It revolved around the Ewing family, a wealthy Texas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. The show debuted in April 1978 as a five-part miniseries on the CBS network, then was broadcast on that network for 13 seasons, from Saturday, September 23, 1978, to Friday, May 3, 1991.
Dallas was one of the most successful drama series ever made, and also one of the longest-running shows in American prime-time television history.

Today I visited JR's farm.It was so cool because it brought me some interesting memories.JR was not there.

After all my visit there I'll tell you 1 thing that shocked me:the mansion, the swimming pool and the South Fork Farm looks much bigger on the TV then in reality.


PS.In the picture I was enjoing the sun on the porch of the famous Ewing's mansion...